lucite tombstones and acrylic paperweights  


   Financial Deal Toys

 LUCITE Shapes Idea Gallery

      Email Request          Online Quote Form

   Artwork Requirements


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logo printed "oil drop" & energy gift ideas

Email Logo, Shape & qty for project quote!   800-520-1691   QUOTE REQUEST FORM


 Any Size and Shape Available


Some Oil Embedment Lucite Award Ideas: any shape avail.










  Wedge oil theme piece

Description:  Clear lucite wedge with oil theme. 1/8 black plex bottom. Our Metal cast oil derrick and oil drop embedments. Acetate Embedment of logo and copy. Laser engraved logo on back.


Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel shape with blue bottom. Metal cast pump jack metal cast embedded in center w Oil Drop. Film embedment of logo & copy


Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel with green bottom.  Our oil drop embedment in center.  Acetate embedment of logo and copy.



Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel shape. Our own or your "oil" placed in oil drop embedment in center of barrel. Clear film Acetate embedment of logos And copy.


Oil Themed Wedge Deal Toy

Description:  Clear Lucite wedge cube with clear film embedment with Logo and photo inside.


 Trapezoid w/ Oil Drop

Description: Clear Lucite trapezoid with 3 panel front and slant top. 1/8 black Plex bottom. Our metal cast oil rig and glass oil drop. Acetate Embedments in body of trapezoid and slant top.

#2 Cloud

#2 Cloud with colored bottom, oil derrick metal casting, oil drop and color filled laser engraving-

4-sided pyramid

4-sided pyramid with white bottom, acetate insert and oil drop.










Cube with oil drop

Description:  Clear Lucite cube with actual oil drop.  Clear film embedment with Logo and copy.


 Iceberg Oil Drop Deal Toy

Pump Jack Deal Toy

Pump Jack Lucite Deal Toy with oil drop and clear film embedded in acrylic.

Wedge Deal Toy Oil Drop

Wedge Lucite Deal Toy with thick Black bottom and Oil Drop - along with clear film inserts

Oil theme block

Description: Clear Lucite block with electronic print clear film in background.
Our oil drops embedded with a clear film.





Custom flat Ice shape

Description: Clear Lucite flat ice shape with textured detail sides. Custom tinted Bottom. Our glass oil drop. Clear film embedment



Drop Shape Oil Gift

Description: Clear Lucite machined oil drop with embedded hand blown glass oil drop
And clear film.



 DROP shape w/ black bottom

Description: Clear Lucite DROP shape with  black bottom and Clear film embedment  Metal casting of derrick.

 Oil Themed Wedge

Description:  Clear Lucite Standing Wedge shape with clear film.  Our glass oil drop accessory inside with lighter stock refined oil.


 Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel with embedded Our oil drop and clear film.


        3D Oil Barrel

    3D Oil Barrel with custom color bottom, oil drop and acetate imprint

Half Barrel Shape

Description: Clear lucite machined HALF oil barrel with embedded Our oil drop and clear film.

Half the cost and easier to read inside.


3D Oil Drum/Barrel

3D Oil Barrel w/ clear oil drop inside and clear film printing



Iceberg Shape

Iceberg shape with die cut full color card/photo and oil drop

Texas Map Shape on Base

Texas Map shape on Black Base with oil drop and clear film printing inside.

Map of Texas with Border

Map of Texas with surface screened border on back side of Lucite

Georgia with built in base

Description: Clear lucite flat Georgia state shape with built in black base. Clear film embedment in upper clear section.  1 color surface screen on front of black base.


Ohio state shape with built in black base

Description:  Clear lucite Ohio shape with built in black base. Acetate embedment with logo. Our glass oil drop accessory & metal cast oil derrick.


Texas state shape with built in base

Description: Clear Lucite Texas state shape with built in white bottom. Clear film embedment in upper clear section and on front of white built in base.


Flat flame shape

Description: Clear Lucite flat flame shape with black plex bottom. Our metal cast embedments of oil derrick and piping. Acetate Embedment logo.


Concave Face Rectangle Shape 

Concave Face Rectangle with clear film acetate of truck - Customize with your own art, oil truck, or image - add a drop also

Map of Oklahoma

Map of Oklahoma on base with hand blown glass oil drop and acetate film insert with your printing




Trapezoid Shape

Lucite Trapezoid with hand blown glass oil drops and acetate film insert with your printing and engraving on surface




Oil Derrick

Pump Jack Shapes

Lucite Oil Derrick Shape or Lucite Pump Jack Shape with oil drops, clear film inserts. Also available are metal castings of derricks, pump jacks, platforms, pipes, barrels, etc - Just inquire Hand blown glass oil drops and acetate film insert with your printing or rngraving



Lucite Block

Description: Clear Lucite block with 1/8 royal blue plex bottom. Printed Booklet reduction fanned and embedded at left. Electronic print Photo embedment at right. Clear film embedment with copy toward Bottom in front of electronic print photo embedment.

Cube with oil drop

Description: Clear lucite cube with our oil drop. Acetate embedment with Logo and copy.



Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel with embedded Our oil drop
And clear film.

Lucite Square

Description: Clear lucite square with metal cast pipe embedments at top and bottom.  Clear film embedment with logo and copy in center.

Machined Oil Barrel

Description: Clear lucite machined oil barrel with embedded Our oil drop
And clear film.


Any Shape of Size

Description: Clear Lucite Pentagon or cut corner shapes with embedded coins, film, or cards


Any Shape of Size

Description: Clear Lucite Star Shapes ( many available) we can include your oil inside if preferred or just recognize a star achievement


Any Shape of Size

Description: Clear Lucite Star Shapes ( many available) we can include your oil inside if preferred or just recognize a star achievement


Slant Top Rectangles

Description: Clear Lucite Slant Top Rectangles or Blocks with a printed card, clear film We can include your oil inside or a metal casting of an energy themed item.


Silhouette Cutout Custom Lucite Awards & Gifts

Description: Silhouette Cutout Custom Lucite Awards & Gifts We can cut out your shape or state inside and add items like a metal casting of an energy themed item.



Energy Themed Lucite

 Awards & Gifts

Description: Lucite Drop Shape, Slant top Rectangle, and block. Include a metal casting, a drop of your oil, an energy themed metal casting, or printing on clear film or white card.


Drop on Base

Description: Clear Lucite Drop shape with or without Base. Acetate embedments on clear film inside.

Special Cuts Lucite Shape

Water Drop on Base

Wedge with colored bottom, metal cast gas valve, pump jack and film insert

 Prism with color back, 2 prints, and small derrick inside


Any State - Inquire

Description: Clear Lucite STATE OR USA Shapes ( most available) we can include your oil inside or a metal casting, drawing, pinpoint a city or star an area - these are perfect oil drop awards!!



 Four sided Pyramid

Description: Clear lucite pyramid with cut sides. Acetate of logo and oil Drop embedments.

 Flame Shape Deal Toy


 Machined Oil Drop Deal Toy

Description: Clear Lucite Machined 3D Oil Drop Deal Toy. Clear film embedment and oil drop.

Indiana Map w/ Oil Drop and Clear film Insert

Louisiana Map w/ Oil Drop and Clear film Insert

New York Map w/ Clear film Insert


Pennsylvania Map w/ Oil Drop and Clear film Insert



North Dakota Map w/ Oil Drop and Laser Engraving

Obelisk w/ Metal Cast Star & Clear film Insert



North Carolina Map w/ Clear film Insert and Black Lucite Base

Rectangle w/drop of water, metal faucet, and clear film insert

Trapezoid Double Cast w/ Water Drop & Film Inserts Water Quality Idea

Wind Turbine Lucite Deal Toy Award Giveaway

 Wind Turbine Deal Toy Trapezoid w/ black back and photo on film insert

Grand Opening/Operating/New Facility

Any Shape of Size

Description: Clear Lucite Shapes with small metal castings of your choice - Can include scissors or a product you choose and an oil drop or just printing- We can also personalize or add names.


Coal, Mining, Construction, & Industrial Themed

Hex Faced Wedge

Description: Clear Lucite Hex faced Wedge shape with drop in center. Acetate embedments on clear film inside.


Mountain Shapes

Description: Clear Lucite MOUNTAIN shape (several shapes available) with drop in Lucite. Acetate embedments on clear film inside.



Cube with oil drop

Description: Clear lucite cube with our oil drop. Acetate embedment with Logo and copy.


Lucite Standing OVAL's Deal Toy Shapes

Clear lucite cube with your oil drop available. Acetate embedment with Logo and copy.

Lucite w/ Color Photo on back. Construction or Mining Themes


Lucite Flask Shape w/ Colored Water Drop



Mountain with Red Dirt on bottom and photo






Vials with caps hidden in black base during embedment

Part Name: Flame with built in black base

Description: Clear Lucite flame with built in base. 7 inches with two flame inner cores. Clear film and surface screen imprints.


Half Barrel shape

Description:  Clear Lucite Half Barrel shape with full color photo and clear film. Two Clear film embedments with logo on top and text below. Our glass oil drop accessory inside.

Flame with built in black


Description: Clear Lucite flame with built in base. One side of mold is Textured with the other side flat. Shown as flat side front. Acetate embedment in upper clear section of flame.


State of Kansas

Energy Themed Lucite

 Awards & Gifts

Description: Lucite Kansas Shape, Wind Turbine. Include a metal casting, a drop of your oil, an energy themed metal casting, or printing on clear film or white card.

Petroleum Themed Shapes

Description:  Custom petroleum-oil-gas-lucite-deal-toy


Oil/Pipe/Parts Themed Shapes

Description: Custom parts-oil-gas-industry-lucite-deal-toy

Oil Gas Themed Custom Shapes

Description: Custom Lucite shapes- Please email your idea or request


Oil Gas Themed Custom Shapes

Description: Custom Lucite shapes- Please email your idea or request


Oil Gas Themed Custom Shapes

Description: Custom Lucite shapes- Please email your idea or request



Email Logo for a Quick Quote!   or Call 800-520-1691






Derrick awards   Pump jack awards  Lucite Gallery   home   email   




Some Metal Casting Options (additional available)



Oil Drop Sizes


Vials in Lucite




Email Logo for a Quick Quote!   or Call 800-520-1691






# NFCK451
Miniature oil rig/derrick on a base with a clock.

Miniature oil rig on a base with a clock.  4-3/4" x 5" x 2-1/2"

The clock is mounted in an oil barrel which sits on the display. Clock has black hands and a second hand.

Minimum Production Time: 10 work days

Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $42.00 $39.00 $37.00 $34.00

# NFCK275A
Miniature pump jack with clock mounted on the front.




4 3/4" x 5" - Pump jack clock.       4 3/4" x 5" - Pump jack style clock.
Size: 4 3/4" x 5"

Color: Silver
Minimum Production Time: 10 day(s)

Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $42.00 $39.00 $37.00 $34.00

Offshore oil rig clock. Size: 6" H x 4" W x 4" L. Product is available 03/01/2013.

Clock inside offshore oil rig

Color: Silver
Minimum Production Time: 10 day(s)

Size   4" x 4" x 6"
Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $69.00 $68.00 $67.00 $66.00


Glass Derrick Focus 11 Award  Item #NSYKB-GYVRD
Focus designs feature popular event themes and are made from cut glass uprights mounted on polished glass bases. Etched glass is used to finish the pieces. 8" W x 6.4" H
Category: Awards
Colors: Clear
Imprint: 4" w x 4" h on 4"x4". Etched
Options: Additional Charges: 1 Line Copy Change (+$5.00), 2 Line Copy Change (+$8.00), 3 Line Copy Change (+$11.00), Each Additional Metallic & Black Colorfill (+$6.00), Each Additional Colorfill in All Other Colors (+$10.00)
Additional Info: Made in USA, Recyclable, Environmentally Friendly
Packaging: Individually boxed and labeled; Units/Ctn: 1; Weight/Ctn: 2.5 lbs.
Production Time: Please send artwork and date required for quote.
 Quantity:   1-3     4-6     7-24     25-49     50-99     100-249  
 Your Special Price:   $195.20     $175.20     $149.00     $125.80     $113.40     $106.80  



Oil & Gas & Energy Gifts



Oil-Barrel    Oil & Gas Awards: Lucite & More

 Oil Drop Gifts & Drop Shape Awards

Energy & Wind Promo Product Ideas

Oil, Energy, & Construction Clocks

Oil, Gas & Energy Stress Toys

Flame Shaped Awards

Key Rings & Themed Gifts

Oil, Gas & Energy Stress Toys




Other Awards:   promotional shovels, scissors, ribbon cutting gifts, hardhats, key tags, & more

Groundbreaking Awards  -  Shovels   -  Scissors  -  Plaques  -  Keys to the City


 If you have art, send us your artwork and we can get you a specific quote!


Submit Lucite or Acrylic Email Request

OR CALL NOW & ask for Lucite Quoting  401-841-5646  or  800-520-1691 

  Email your Request -   or use our Quote Form


LUCITE DEAL TOYS & EMBEDMENTS:   w/ FLOATING DOCUMENT INSIDE  cast acrylic-permanent insert-deal toys  Lucite Main Page

  Lucite Gallery  |  Lucite Awards  |  Standard Shapes  |  Standard Shapes #2  |  Special Shapes  | Special Shapes #2  |  Special Shapes #3 |  Shapes w/ Bases   |  Metal Castings   

Groundbreaking  | Oil & Gas | Lucite Order Form   |  Metal Castings in Lucite  |  Special Awards  |  Special Awards 2  |  Custom Pieces  Theme Pieces  |  How to Buy Lucite  |  The Lucite Story |

BROWSE BY LUCITE SHAPE:    Lucite Gallery of ALL Shapes 

 Cube    | Rectangle    |  Wedges   |  Square  | Pyramid  |   Round  |   Oval  |  Trapezoid   | Prism  | Taper Square  |   Star  |  Easel  |  Dome  |  Diamond  | Pentagon  | Cylinders   |  Flame Shape

 Photos of Shapes   |  History of Lucite  Laser Cutting  |  Quote Form   | Order Form  |  Printing Processes  |  Insert Choices  |  About Lucite  | Packaging/Box | Lucite Gallery of Ideas


 STOCK ACRYLIC PAPERWEIGHTS - SURFACE PRINTED      cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece    Acrylic Paperweights Main Page

  Acrylic Paperweights Index |  All Acrylic  Awards  |  Acrylic Photo Paperweights  | Brochure Holders  | Budget Block Paperweights  |  Full Color Paperweight |  ColorImage Photo Weights
  Acrylic Stock Awards  |    Invitations   |  Acrylic Jade Awards  |  Budget Block Paperweights  |  Acrylic Jade Awards    World Themed   Star Awards  Ovals  |  Circles  |  Triangles 


 Rectangles    |   Stars    |   Pyramids   |   Triangles   |   Diamond  |    Circles    |   Obelisks    Globes   |   Flame   |   Earth Themed

FLAT PLAQUES:  WALL or EASEL       cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece   

  Acrylic Plaques   |  Full Color Plaques   Curved Acrylic Plaque Star Plaques   |  Thin Photo Plaques   |  Acrylic Wall Plaques   |  2 Panel Plaques  
Flat Acrylic Frames & Plaques  |  Curved Acrylic Frame Plaques   |  Full Color Flat Easels  |  Brochure Holders   |  Curved Acrylic Photo Frames   | Pocket Holders

SANDWICHES & ENTRAPMENTS /   2- PC ACRYLIC       2 piece acrylic - sandwiched   SNAP OR SCREW TOGETHER:   Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

  Acrylic Entrapments   |  Wall Entrapments  |  Credit Card Holders  |  CD Holders |  Business Card Holders  |  Sports Ticket Holders    |   Slide In

2 pc Sandwich  |  2 pc Wall Sandwich Plaque  |  Building Replicas  |  Econo Awards  |  P.O.P Displays  |  Full Color Plaques  | Coin Encasements
 PRODUCT Entrapments  |   Computer Chip Entrapments   |  Three Part Product Sandwich Encasements  |  Trap Your Product Inside   | Certificate Holders   |   Currency Holders   |   

MAGNET FRAMES -  2 PIECE     2 piece acrylic - sandwiched    Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

 Magnetic Frames  | Magnetic Sandwiches  |  Sports Ticket Holders   |  Wall Entrapments   |  CD Holders   | Currency Holders  |  Credit Card Holders  


RUSH SERVICE        Ready to Ship Products     Ready to Ship Stock Items   RUSH SERVICE   


GROUND BREAKING & THEME PIECES:  hard hats,  shovels,  scissors,  keys, oil awards etc   Groundbreaking Main Page

 SHOVELS:     Shovel Awards   |  Large Gold Shovels  |  Large Silver Shovels   |  Mini Shovels   Shovel Letter Openers   |  Shovel Plaques  |  Cast Letter Openers 
 Chrome Shovels  |   Shovel In Stone Award    Shovel in Lucite  Shovel Key Tags  |  Shovel Frames  |  Shovel Shadow Boxes
  ENERGY: OIL, GAS, WIND, SOLAR     Oil & Gas Lucite Ideas  |  Theme Ideas  |  Oil & Gas Lucite Paperweights  |  Oil Drop Awards   | Trucks  |  Oil Gas Clocks  |   Oil Derrick Themed Gifts  |   Oil Pump Jack Gifts  |   Oil Themed Gifts & Awards  |  Solar Energy   |    Wind Turbine Awards   |  Construction Gifts
 GRAND OPENING:     Scissors / Dedication  |  |  Scissors Plaques  |  Ceremonial Scissors   Scissors in Lucite  |  Gavels  |  Grand Opening Custom Bricks & Stones
Trowels  |  Cinder Block Award  |  Building Replicas  |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards  |  Theme Ideas |  Stones & Bricks  Building Replicas
 KEYS & KEYS TO THE CITY GIFTS:     Keys to the City   |   Key Letter Openers   |  Theme Ideas   |   Key in Presentation Box  
 OTHER GROUND BREAKING:        Groundbreaking  Awards & Plaques    |   Hard Hat Key Tag   |   Hard Hats   |  Cast Letter Openers    Hammers   |   Trucks   |   Picks  |   Trowels  
 STONECAST CUSTOM MOLDED PAPERWEIGHTS/ MINIATURES:  "Stonecast" Awards  |  Custom Bricks & Stones   |  Shovel In Stone Award  | Trucks  Cast Brick Award   Construction Gifts   | Stones & Bricks  | Trucks  |    Building Replicas    |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards   |  Cinder Block Award 

THEME PIECES       Patriotic  |  Flag Themed Award    |  Environmental  |  Oil & Gas Award Ideas  |  Theme Ideas | 


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