
acrylic pocket holders

clear acrylic pocket holders & brochure holders

The acrylic pocket holders come in the sizes shown and are priced as shown. We have other acrylic brochure holders, presentation holders, and pocket holders such as acrylic flyer desk stands available.  If you are looking for a custom molded acrylic plastic brochure holder recognition piece in smaller quantities, than Lucite may be your award choice.    Back to Home Page    EMAIL FOR A QUOTE

$250 minimum order

clear polished pocket holders and business card holders

Acrylic Brochure Holders     Horizontal & Vertical Business Card Holders


800-520-1691  ext 208

Acrylic Ballot Boxes - Hinged Election Boxes

With tons of options, our ballot boxes can be customized for any event. For higher security, add black acrylic and a sturdy lock to your ballot box!

Clear Acrylic Ballot Boxes


800-520-1691   ext 208

#01340 Medium Certificate Holder Fits a    6 1/4" x 4 1/2"      
Acrylic Certificate Holder. Heavy board backing.  Open the Hinged door on back and slip in certificate. 
Product ID : 01340        Size : 6 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 1/8"
imprint : 6 1/4" x 4 1/2" (Certificate Size)       Weight :1 1/2 lbs/each      
Packaging : Gift Box
Item 12 25 50 100 250 500
01340 Certificate Holder blank - no imprint 39.50 29.50 19.20 17.50 14.80 11.50
Optional Imprint- per/color: 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .50
Personalizations: 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00

GENERAL INFORMATION:     Price includes: a certificate holder with a black border. For a different color border, Set-Up Charge 75.00

SHIPPED BLANK    -  OPTIONAL PRINTING:  (add 10-12 work days)
Screen set-up charge 75.00 per color.
PMS color match 40.00.   Reorder set-up charge 40.00 per color.
Personalization set-up charge 80.00 per 20 names.

        6 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 1/8" OVERALL SIZE

#01342 Large Certificate Holder Fits a    8" x 10"      
Acrylic Certificate Holder. Heavy board backing.  Open the Hinged door on back and slip in certificate. 
Product ID : 01342       Size : 9 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 1/8"
imprint : 8" x 10"(Certificate Size)   Weight :2 lbs/ea  Packaging : Gift Box
Item 12 25 50 100 250 500
01342 Certificate Holder blank - no imprint 49.50 37.50 28.20 26.50 23.80 20.50
Optional Imprint- per/color: 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .50
Personalizations: 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00

GENERAL INFORMATION:     Price includes: a certificate holder with a black border. For a different color border, Set-Up Charge 75.00

SHIPPED BLANK    -  OPTIONAL PRINTING:  (add 10-12 work days)
Screen set-up charge 75.00 per color.
PMS color match 40.00.   Reorder set-up charge 40.00 per color.
Personalization set-up charge 80.00 per 20 names.

        Size : 9 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 1/8"   OVERALL SIZE


#01341 Med Beveled Cert Holder Fits a    6 1/4" x 4- 1/2"  
Beveled Acrylic Certificate Holder.  Heavy board backing.  Open the Hinged door on back and slip in certificate. 
Product ID : 01341    Size : 6 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 3/8"   Packaging : Gift Box
imprint : 6 1/4" x 4 1/2" (Certificate Size)  Weight :2 1/2 lbs/each
Item 12 25 50 100 250 500
01341 Certificate Holder blank - no imprint 58.50 49.50 37.20 25.50 21.80 18.50
Optional Imprint- per/color: 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .50
Personalizations: 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00

GENERAL INFORMATION:     Price includes: a certificate holder with a black border. For a different color border, Set-Up Charge 75.00

SHIPPED BLANK    -  OPTIONAL PRINTING:  (add 10-12 work days)
Screen set-up charge 75.00 per color.
PMS color match 40.00.   Reorder set-up charge 40.00 per color.
Personalization set-up charge 80.00 per 20 names.

       Size : 6 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 3/8" OVERALL SIZE

#01343 Large Beveled Cert Holder Fits a    8" x 10"  
Beveled Acrylic Certificate Holder.  Heavy board backing.  Open the Hinged door on back and slip in certificate. 
Product ID : 1343   Size : 9 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 3/8"
imprint : 8" x 10"   Weight :3 1/4 lbs/ea    Packaging : Gift Box
Item 12 25 50 100 250 500
01343 Certificate Holder blank - no imprint 58.50 50.50 39.20 35.50 31.80 28.50
Optional Imprint- per/color: 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .50
Personalizations: 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00

GENERAL INFORMATION:     Price includes: a certificate holder with a black border. For a different color border, Set-Up Charge 75.00

SHIPPED BLANK    -  OPTIONAL PRINTING:  (add 10-12 work days)
Screen set-up charge 75.00 per color.
PMS color match 40.00.   Reorder set-up charge 40.00 per color.
Personalization set-up charge 80.00 per 20 names.

 Size : 9 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 3/8"   OVERALL SIZE



$250 minimum order


800-520-1691  ext 208


back to acrylic paperweights main page       next page of our "all color photo" designs

Options for all budgets:   one color    multi-color    photo/full color

800-520-1691  ext 208

If you need to insert your logo, add a product, or make a custom size tombstone, you are looking for "Lucite"


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OR CALL NOW:  401-841-5646  or  800-520-1691  & ask for Lucite Quoting


LUCITE DEAL TOYS & EMBEDMENTS:  SOLID CUSTOM w/ FLOATING DOCUMENT INSIDE  cast acrylic-permanent insert-deal toys  Lucite Main Page

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Lucite Order Form    |   Shapes w/ Bases   |  Metal Castings  |  Metal Castings in Lucite   |   Special Awards  |   Special Awards 2   |  Lucite Key Tags 

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 STOCK ACRYLIC SHAPE PAPERWEIGHTS:  SOLID - SURFACE PRINTED      cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece    Acrylic Paperweights Main Page

  Acrylic Paperweights Index |  All Acrylic  Awards  |  Acrylic Photo Paperweights  | Brochure Holders  | Budget Block Paperweights  |  Full Color Paperweight 
  Acrylic Stock Awards  |  Invitations   |  Acrylic Jade Awards  |  Budget Block Paperweights  |  Acrylic Jade Awards  |  ColorImage Photo Weights
World Themed   Star Awards  Ovals  |  Circles  |  Triangles  | Themed  |  Econo Awards   |   Acrylic Displays    |  Acrylic Hollow Pyramid Displays


 Rectangles    |   Stars    |   Pyramids   |   Triangles   |   Diamond  |    Circles    |   Obelisks    Globes    |   Flame  |  Earth Themed

FLAT PLAQUES -   WALL OR EASEL:         cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece   

  Acrylic Plaques   |  Full Color Plaques   Curved Acrylic Plaque Star Plaques   |  Thin Photo Plaques   |  Acrylic Wall Plaques   |  2 Panel Plaques  
Flat Acrylic Frames & Plaques  |  Curved Acrylic Frame Plaques   |  Full Color Flat Easels  |  Brochure Holders   |  Curved Acrylic Photo Frames   | Pocket Holders

SANDWICHES & ENTRAPMENTS /   2- PC ACRYLIC       2 piece acrylic - sandwiched   SNAP OR SCREW TOGETHER:   Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

  Acrylic Entrapments   |  Wall Entrapments  |  Credit Card Holders  |  CD Holders |  Business Card Holders  |  Sports Ticket Holders

2 pc Sandwich  |  2 pc Wall Sandwich Plaque  |  Building Replicas  |  Econo Awards  |  P.O.P Displays  |  Full Color Plaques  | Coin Encasements
 Certificate Holders   |   Currency Holders   |   Slide In  |  

MAGNET FRAMES -  2 PIECE     2 piece acrylic - sandwiched    Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

 Magnetic Frames  | Magnetic Sandwiches  |  Sports Ticket Holders   |  Wall Entrapments   |  CD Holders   | Currency Holders  |  Credit Card Holders  

RUSH SERVICE        Ready to Ship Products     Ready to Ship Stock Items   RUSH SERVICE   

GROUND BREAKING & THEME PIECES:  hard hats,  shovels,  scissors,  keys, oil awards etc   Groundbreaking Main Page

 SHOVELS:     Shovel Awards   |  Large Gold Shovels  |  Large Silver Shovels   |  Mini Shovels   Shovel Letter Openers   |  Shovel Plaques  |  Cast Letter Openers 
Shovel In Stone Award    Shovel in Lucite
  ENERGY: OIL, GAS, WIND, SOLAR     Oil & Gas Lucite Ideas  |  Theme Ideas  |  Oil & Gas Lucite Paperweights  |  Oil Drop Awards   | Trucks  |  Oil Gas Clocks  |   Oil Derrick Themed Gifts  |   Oil Pump Jack Gifts  |   Oil Themed Gifts & Awards  |  Solar Energy   |    Wind Turbine Awards   |  Construction Gifts
 GRAND OPENING:     Scissors / Dedication  |  |  Scissors Plaques  |  Ceremonial Scissors   Scissors in Lucite  |  Gavels  |  Grand Opening Custom Bricks & Stones
Trowels  |  Cinder Block Award  |  Building Replicas  |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards  |  Theme Ideas |  Stones & Bricks  Building Replicas
 KEYS & KEYS TO THE CITY GIFTS:     Keys to the City   |   Key Letter Openers   |  Theme Ideas   |   Key in Presentation Box  
 OTHER GROUND BREAKING:          Groundbreaking  Awards & Plaques    |   Hard Hat Key Tag    |    Hard Hats    |  Cast Letter Openers  |
   Hammers    |    Trucks   |    Picks  |    Trowels  
 STONECAST CUSTOM MOLDED PAPERWEIGHTS/ MINIATURES:  "Stonecast" Awards  |  Custom Bricks & Stones   |  Shovel In Stone Award  | Trucks  Cast Brick Award   Construction Gifts   | Stones & Bricks  | Trucks  |    Building Replicas    |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards   |  Cinder Block Award 

THEME PIECES    patriotic,  earth friendly,  flag,  oil awards,  sport ball shapes

Patriotic  |  Flag Themed Award    |  Environmental  |  Oil & Gas Award Ideas  |  Theme Ideas | 

 1151 Aquidneck Avenue, Suite 498, Middletown, RI 02842  USA 

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