building replicas

Miniature Building Replicas

Our artists can create your own custom unique casting in as little as 4-5 weeks!  Or choose from one of our stock designs listed on this page. See our miniature stone cast replicas below:

Call for pricing and availability:    800-520-1691 

   Stones/Bricks/Blocks     Buildings     Trucks     Hardhats     Shovels in Stone     Custom Shapes
ribbon cutting ceremony Stonecast Building Replicas
3-D Capitol Building
2-d Building
Small Capitol
White House
2-d Building
Cabin - EX-304 

Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike

SIZE :    4" x 1 1/2" x 3 3/4".       COPY AREA : 2" x 2".
PRODUCTION TIME : Approx  3-4 weeks.   Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike. Pricing includes one base color and one antiquing color of your choice. A blend of pulverized granite and poly resin.           
PACKAGING : Folding Gift Box.      MATERIALS : Stonecast.      MOLD CHARGE:  $175 includes your custom logo
  Qty 50 100 250 500
  Price $11.75 $10.90 $9.25 $8.52
2-D Building - EX-301  

Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike

SIZE :   6" x 1 3/4" x 2 1/2".     COPY AREA :   2 3/4" x 1 3/4".
PRODUCTION TIME : Approx  3-4 weeks.   Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike. Pricing includes one base color and one antiquing color of your choice. A blend of pulverized granite and poly resin.           
PACKAGING : Folding Gift Box.      MATERIALS : Stonecast.      MOLD CHARGE:  $175 includes your custom logo
  Qty 50 100 250 500
  Price $16.75 $15.20 $12.80 $11.92

3-D Capitol Building - EX-303 

Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike

SIZE :   3 5/8" x 3 5/8" x 5".  COPY AREA :   3 1/4" x 3/8".
PRODUCTION TIME : Approx  3-4 weeks.   Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike. Pricing includes one base color and one antiquing color of your choice. A blend of pulverized granite and poly resin.           
PACKAGING : Folding Gift Box.      MATERIALS : Stonecast.      MOLD CHARGE:  $175 includes your custom logo
  Qty 50 100 250 500
  Price $21.75 $19.20 $17.80 $16.70
 Small Capitol - EX-307  

Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike

SIZE :  2 1/2" x 3 7/8" x 2 1/2".    COPY AREA :  3 1/2" x 3/8"..
PRODUCTION TIME : Approx  3-4 weeks.   Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike. Pricing includes one base color and one antiquing color of your choice. A blend of pulverized granite and poly resin.           
PACKAGING : Folding Gift Box.      MATERIALS : Stonecast.      MOLD CHARGE:  $175 includes your custom logo
  Qty 50 100 250 500
  Price $16.75 $15.20 $12.80 $11.92

White House - EX-308  

Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike

SIZE :   3" x 3 1/2" x 1 5/8".  COPY AREA :   3" x 3/8"..
PRODUCTION TIME : Approx  3-4 weeks.   Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike. Pricing includes one base color and one antiquing color of your choice. A blend of pulverized granite and poly resin.           
PACKAGING : Folding Gift Box.      MATERIALS : Stonecast.      MOLD CHARGE:  $175 includes your custom logo
  Qty 50 100 250 500
  Price $17.20 $16.20 $15.00 $13.90


Custom designed pulverized marble/granite paperweight.

Custom designed pulverized marble/granite paperweight with antique color accents and felt dot backing. Commemorate your special building with a distinct 2 dimensional desk replica with your logo/message molded right into the piece. This makes and ideal desk accessory and is cherished at groundbreaking ceremonies. Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike.

Material: Marble, Stone
Color: Beige Granite, Black Granite, Blue Granite, Gray Granite, Green Granite, Red Granite, Yellow Granite
Minimum Production Time: 15 day(s)

Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $14.58 $13.41 $12.25 $11.15

EX-104  - Miniature Fire Hat Paperweight

Fire hat shape pulverized paperweight with magnet.

Fire hat shape pulverized marble/granite paperweight with magnet and antique color accents, felt dot backing. Highly original conversation pieces geared for specific promotions or events these paperweights with your logo/message cast into them will certainly spark interest. Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike.

Color: Beige Granite, Black Granite, Blue Granite, Gray Granite, Green Granite, Red Granite, Yellow Granite
Minimum Production Time: 15 day     Size: 3 3/4" x 4 7/8" x 2 1/2"

Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $15.70 $13.40 $12.25 $10.40

AN-2   Pulverized marble anvil shape

Pulverized marble anvil shape with base paperweight with felt dots backing.

Pulverized marble anvil shape with base paperweight. To commemorate the hard work and effort of tradesmen and construction workers everywhere, we offer these custom handcrafted desk accessory. Whether for safety awards or to commemorate an event, these products show that every relationship, like buildings, has to be constructed and tempered with care. Each piece is individually handcrafted. No two pieces will be exactly alike.

Color: Beige Granite, Black Granite, Blue Granite, Gray Granite, Green Granite, Red Granite, Yellow Granite         Mold Charge $195 - Your logo molded in the piece
Minimum Production Time: 15 day(s)   Size: 3" x 3 3/4"

Quantity 50 100 250 500
Price $19.65 $17.30 $14.93 $12.85


These unique conversation pieces are made to your specifications to suit specific promotions or events. These custom molded paperweights with your imprint embossed into them will definitely attract attention.

800-520-1691  ext 208

If you need to insert your logo, add a product, or make a custom size tombstone, you are looking for "Lucite"


Standard Shapes  #1        Standard Shapes  #2         Special Shapes #1      Special Shapes #2    


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OR CALL NOW:  401-841-5646  or  800-520-1691  & ask for Lucite Quoting


LUCITE DEAL TOYS & EMBEDMENTS:  SOLID CUSTOM w/ FLOATING DOCUMENT INSIDE  cast acrylic-permanent insert-deal toys  Lucite Main Page

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Lucite Order Form    |   Shapes w/ Bases   |  Metal Castings  |  Metal Castings in Lucite   |   Special Awards  |   Special Awards 2   |  Lucite Key Tags 

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BROWSE BY LUCITE SHAPE:    Lucite Gallery of ALL Shapes 

 Cube    | Rectangle    |  Wedges   |  Square  | Pyramid  |   Round  |   Oval  |  Trapezoid   | Prism  | Taper Square  |   Star  |  Easel  |  Dome  |  Diamond  | Pentagon  | Cylinders   |  Flame Shape

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 STOCK ACRYLIC SHAPE PAPERWEIGHTS:  SOLID - SURFACE PRINTED      cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece    Acrylic Paperweights Main Page

  Acrylic Paperweights Index |  All Acrylic  Awards  |  Acrylic Photo Paperweights  | Brochure Holders  | Budget Block Paperweights  |  Full Color Paperweight 
  Acrylic Stock Awards  |  Invitations   |  Acrylic Jade Awards  |  Budget Block Paperweights  |  Acrylic Jade Awards  |  ColorImage Photo Weights
World Themed   Star Awards  Ovals  |  Circles  |  Triangles  | Themed  |  Econo Awards   |   Acrylic Displays    |  Acrylic Hollow Pyramid Displays


 Rectangles    |   Stars    |   Pyramids   |   Triangles   |   Diamond  |    Circles    |   Obelisks    Globes    |   Flame  |  Earth Themed

FLAT PLAQUES -   WALL OR EASEL:         cut acrylic - surface printed - one piece   

  Acrylic Plaques   |  Full Color Plaques   Curved Acrylic Plaque Star Plaques   |  Thin Photo Plaques   |  Acrylic Wall Plaques   |  2 Panel Plaques  
Flat Acrylic Frames & Plaques  |  Curved Acrylic Frame Plaques   |  Full Color Flat Easels  |  Brochure Holders   |  Curved Acrylic Photo Frames   | Pocket Holders

SANDWICHES & ENTRAPMENTS /   2- PC ACRYLIC       2 piece acrylic - sandwiched   SNAP OR SCREW TOGETHER:   Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

  Acrylic Entrapments   |  Wall Entrapments  |  Credit Card Holders  |  CD Holders |  Business Card Holders  |  Sports Ticket Holders

2 pc Sandwich  |  2 pc Wall Sandwich Plaque  |  Building Replicas  |  Econo Awards  |  P.O.P Displays  |  Full Color Plaques  | Coin Encasements
 Certificate Holders   |   Currency Holders   |   Slide In  |  

MAGNET FRAMES -  2 PIECE     2 piece acrylic - sandwiched    Acrylic Entrapments Main Page  

 Magnetic Frames  | Magnetic Sandwiches  |  Sports Ticket Holders   |  Wall Entrapments   |  CD Holders   | Currency Holders  |  Credit Card Holders  

RUSH SERVICE        Ready to Ship Products     Ready to Ship Stock Items   RUSH SERVICE   

GROUND BREAKING & THEME PIECES:  hard hats,  shovels,  scissors,  keys, oil awards etc   Groundbreaking Main Page

 SHOVELS:     Shovel Awards   |  Large Gold Shovels  |  Large Silver Shovels   |  Mini Shovels   Shovel Letter Openers   |  Shovel Plaques  |  Cast Letter Openers 
Shovel In Stone Award    Shovel in Lucite
  ENERGY: OIL, GAS, WIND, SOLAR     Oil & Gas Lucite Ideas  |  Theme Ideas  |  Oil & Gas Lucite Paperweights  |  Oil Drop Awards   | Trucks  |  Oil Gas Clocks  |   Oil Derrick Themed Gifts  |   Oil Pump Jack Gifts  |   Oil Themed Gifts & Awards  |  Solar Energy   |    Wind Turbine Awards   |  Construction Gifts
 GRAND OPENING:     Scissors / Dedication  |  |  Scissors Plaques  |  Ceremonial Scissors   Scissors in Lucite  |  Gavels  |  Grand Opening Custom Bricks & Stones
Trowels  |  Cinder Block Award  |  Building Replicas  |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards  |  Theme Ideas |  Stones & Bricks  Building Replicas
 KEYS & KEYS TO THE CITY GIFTS:     Keys to the City   |   Key Letter Openers   |  Theme Ideas   |   Key in Presentation Box  
 OTHER GROUND BREAKING:          Groundbreaking  Awards & Plaques    |   Hard Hat Key Tag    |    Hard Hats    |  Cast Letter Openers  |
   Hammers    |    Trucks   |    Picks  |    Trowels  
 STONECAST CUSTOM MOLDED PAPERWEIGHTS/ MINIATURES:  "Stonecast" Awards  |  Custom Bricks & Stones   |  Shovel In Stone Award  | Trucks  Cast Brick Award   Construction Gifts   | Stones & Bricks  | Trucks  |    Building Replicas    |  Cast Brick Award  |  Cast Truck & Tool Awards   |  Cinder Block Award 

THEME PIECES    patriotic,  earth friendly,  flag,  oil awards,  sport ball shapes

Patriotic  |  Flag Themed Award    |  Environmental  |  Oil & Gas Award Ideas  |  Theme Ideas | 

 1151 Aquidneck Avenue, Suite 498, Middletown, RI 02842  USA 

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